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 bcd                     Binary Coded Decimal Type

    Turbo C++ includes two new data classes -- complex and bcd. The bcd
    class is for binary coded decimal numbers (numbers stored internally
    as decimal -- one decimal digit per four bits -- usually to avoid
    roundoff error). This declares a bcd number called my_bcd with a
    value of 10.59:

                bcd my_bcd(10.59);

    The complex type is for complex numbers (numbers with a real and
    imaginary part, the imaginary part being some multiple of the square
    root of -1). This declares a complex number called my_complex with
    real part 10.59 and imaginary part 5.33:

                complex my_complex(10.59, 5.33);

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

                bcd this_number_is_bcd(51.7);

See Also: complex
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